Tag Archives: bible

Extraordinary not ordinary!

The main reason I decided to go natural nearly 3 years ago was simply because I wanted a change. Ever since I took that leap I have been absolutely fascinated with my tresses.

I think of my natural hair as a fun and healthy way to escape the mundane. It allows me the opportunity to go from one look to another without a terrible amount of work.

My natural hair has kept my life and the lives of others just a little more interesting than it would otherwise be. I used to work with a guy who tried to track my hair styles every single day! He finally got to the point where he just couldn’t keep up.

At the end if the day I think of it like this, the Bible says that we are the salt of the earth. Salt ads flavor, which is precisely what I try to do every day. When I walk into a room the atmosphere should change. When people look at me they should see extraordinary not ordinary! Holy Spirit is what truly brings that out. Taking advantage of my natural hair’s versatility offers that extra special something. After all, what’s fine cuisine without garnish?

Be you beauties!