Tag Archives: edge control

Perfect Edges On-the-Go

Happy Friday Beauties!

So, over the holidays Creme of Nature gifted me with the new Perfect Edges that’s now in convenient on-the-go packaging. I LOVE Perfect Edges so I was really excited about the new packaging. It came along with a super cute pouch and a little brush to help slick my edges down.

Since I got it I’ve been looking for the perfect opportunity to use it. Today was the day! I woke up an hour late and had to get myself and the boys ready in 45 minutes. So, I put on the bare minimum makeup, threw my hair in a bun and grabbed my Perfect Edges On-the-Go. When I got to work I hooked it up in the bathroom and voila! Worked like a charm! 

SN: I just love how my undercut helps make my basic bun so much better! 
That’s it for now!



Edges that lay & stay!

I’ve been getting a lot of questions and seeing quite a few posts on how to get those curly edges to lay down when you’re trying to achieve a nice sleek and more tamed look. Some have tried various options to no avail. So, here’s how I get my edges to lay down and stay down

I take a new soft bristle toothbrush dip it into my holy Grail Eco Styler Gel with Olive or Aragan Oil and brush my edges. I typically do this on damp hair but it works just as well on dry hair.

After I’ve gotten my edges laid down nice and neat I take a satin scarf and tie it securely around my hair. This allows the style to set. I leave the scarf in place for at least 15 minutes and pow! That’s all it takes. And I get great results every time!